Water: Rule by Planet Mercury. Human Organ: Kidney.
Wood: Rule by Planet Jupiter. Human Organ: Liver & Gall Bladder.
Metal: Rule by Planet Venus. Human Organ: Lung & Large Intestine.
Fire: Rule by Planet Mars. Human Organ: Heart & Small Intestine. Temper: Anger.
Earth: Rule by Planet Saturn (Infinity). Human Organ: Stomach & Spleen.

There are 7 Chakras - Energy (Chi) Center on human body with heaviest density of electro-magnetic pulses. The 7 Chakras are ruled by electro-magnetic influences of 7 planets on various organs. One inhalation and exhalation is equal to the flow of Chi from Pineal Gland (the positive pole) to Clitoris Region (the negative pole) and back to the Crown of the Head. Chi is the flowing invisible electro-magnetic fields all around the body on human energy grids. Once the flow of Chi is blocked, a human will suffer multiple organ damages around the blockage. Symptoms are later diagnosed by Western Doctors. Ultimately, emotions initiate different pattern of energy flows in body that eventually alter the genetic compositions of protein structures. After long term assaults with self destructive behaviors in 30 years, a patient would become seriously ill.

Earth's Super Grid
Similarly, earth also has numerous Chakras and major electro-magnetic energy flow centers. Near these centers, earthquakes are common in reshaping the overall condition of earth's electro-magnetic circuits between the poles. Abundance of underground volcanic motions, above ground ocean vapor circulations, together with more than 1000 electro-magnetic thunders that touch down on earth per minute with inter planetary solar electro-magnetic charges create majority of the Earth's Super Grid. Rivers along the mountain ranges that nurture all organisms also form minor electro-magnetic energy circulation patterns similar to the flow of human blood trying to nourish individual cells during each inhalation and exhalation. Earth's inhalation and exhalation also involves with a specific balance of CO with CO2 and O2 with O3 content. Serious disruption in CO2 content together with human damage to overall global grid system will block multiples of minor electro-magnetic circuits. As an autoimmune response, super storms are initiated to fix the energy flowing pattern between poles temporarily. Long period of irregularity in weather then induces major Chakras on earth to respond with more violent measures in frequent underground earthquakes. If the problem with blockage of electro magnetic flow persist, possible polar reversal might be initiated into the next ice age to reset the entire Eco structure of earth. Similar to Sun's 11 year polar reverse, Earth also has polar reverses periodically. The following picture is a super storm that try to reverse the human damage to weather from NASA.

Earth 2050 - Die Bold or Die Hard?
Population: moving from 6.6 billion to 9.4 billion by 2050. However, the British Censor claims that population will reduce to 8.3 billion by 2100. Majority of population growth will occur in Asia, Latin America, and other fast developing countries. Europe is perpetually shrinking in population size. Population aging will become a serious cost to advanced nations. Medical insurance for retired people on planet earth will become a serious burden since life expectancy has doubled since 1900 from 45 to 90. Due to shortage in human resources and competition in fast developments, it's almost impossible to avoid recurring energy consumption wars and international frictions for energy possessions.
The Condition and Trends Working Group found that over the past 50 years, humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable period of time in human history, largely to meet rapidly growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, fiber and fuel. This has resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on Earth. In addition, approximately 60% (15 out of 24) of the ecosystem services it examined are being degraded or used unsustainable, including fresh water, capture fisheries, air and water purification, and the regulation of regional and local climate, natural hazards, and pests. Are we the next species on the list to disappear as a race due to severe self inflicted environmental damages?
Global oil production peaks sometime between 2008 and 2018, according to a model by one Swedish physicist. Others say this turning point, known as “Hubbert’s Peak,” won’t occur until after 2020. Once Hubbert’s Peak is reached, global oil production will begin an irreversible decline, possibly triggering a global recession, food shortages and conflict between nations over dwindling oil supplies. (doctoral dissertation of Frederik Robelius, University of Uppsala, Sweden; report by Robert Hirsch of the Science Applications International Corporation)
Flash floods will very likely increase across all parts of Europe. (IPCC)
Less rainfall could reduce agriculture yields by up to 50 percent in some parts of the world. (IPCC)
World population will reach 7.6 billion people. (U.S. Census Bureau)
Diarrhea-related diseases will likely increase by up to 5 percent in low-income parts of the world. (IPCC)
Up to 18 percent of the world’s coral reefs will likely be lost as a result of climate change and other environmental stresses. In Asian coastal waters, the coral loss could reach 30 percent. (IPCC)
World population will reach 8.3 billion people. (U.S. Census Bureau)
Warming temperatures will cause temperate glaciers on equatorial mountains in Africa to disappear. (Richard Taylor, University College London, Geophysical Research Letters:)
In developing countries, the urban population will more than double to about 4 billion people, packing more people onto a given city's land area. The urban populations of developed countries may also increase by as much as 20 percent. (World Bank: The Dynamics of Global Urban Expansion)
The Arctic Sea could be ice-free in the summer, and winter ice depth may shrink drastically. Other scientists say the region will still have summer ice up to 2060 and 2105. (Marika Holland, NCAR, Geophysical Research Letters)
Small alpine glaciers will very likely disappear completely, and large glaciers will shrink by 30 to 70 percent. Austrian scientist Roland Psenner of the University of Innsbruck says this is a conservative estimate, and the small alpine glaciers could be gone as soon as 2037. (IPCC)
In Australia, there will likely be an additional 3,200 to 5,200 heat-related deaths per year. The hardest hit will be people over the age of 65. An extra 500 to 1,000 people will die of heat-related deaths in New York City per year. In the United Kingdom, the opposite will occur, and cold-related deaths will outpace heat-related ones. (IPCC) World population reaches 9.4 billion people. (U.S. Census Bureau)
Crop yields could increase by up to 20 percent in East and Southeast Asia, while decreasing by up to 30 percent in Central and South Asia. Similar shifts in crop yields could occur on other continents. (IPCC)
As biodiversity hotspots are more threatened, a quarter of the world’s plant and vertebrate animal species could face extinction. (Jay Malcolm, University of Toronto, Conservation Biology)
Estimates suggest that nearly 1.5 billion people lack safe drinking water and that at least 5 million deaths per year can be attributed to waterborne diseases. With over 70 percent of the planet covered by oceans, people have long acted as if these very bodies of water could serve as a limitless dumping ground for wastes. Raw sewage, garbage, and oil spills have begun to overwhelm the diluting capabilities of the oceans, and most coastal waters are now polluted. Beaches around the world are closed regularly, often because of high amounts of bacteria from sewage disposal, and marine wildlife is beginning to suffer.
Water Born Diseases
Population Genetic Mutation and Shifts are on the rise by international water pollution and genetically engineered food resources in multiple developing countries. It is already clear that tadpoles and fish eggs start to mutate heavily in modern water resources. Fetal neurotoxic syndrome will reoccur in human fetus developments in various nations. Other water born diseases such as cholera epidemics will frequent flooding zones.
Drought is a normal, recurring feature of the climate in most parts of the world. Having adequate drought mitigation strategies in place can greatly reduce the impact. Recurring or long-term drought can bring about desertification. Desertification is occuring rapidly in North Part of China and along the Yellow River. A sea was dried up in Russia not long ago due to mismanagement from overfishing. Recurring droughts in the Horn of Africa have created grave ecological catastrophes, prompting massive food shortages, still recurring. To the north-west of the Horn, the Darfur conflict
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